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La Rochere Absinthe Glasses+Spoon (Set of 7) - Made in France

ZAR 862.50
La Rochere Absinthe Glasses+Spoon (Set of 7) - Made in France

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La Rochere Absinthe Glasses +Spoon (Set of 7) - Made in France

(Includes 6 Absinthe Glasses & 1 Absinthe Spoon)


The charm of absinthe is its history; the allure is its pour. The enigma of the emerald absinthe comes from the infamous rumors about the effect it has on those who drink it. The nickname given to absinthe, La Fee verte (The Green Lady), comes from the “love affair” many drinkers had with absinthe, granting the drink the status of a muse. The nickname, however, changed as the mental effects of absinthe were exaggerated and blamed for madness, sloth, and even murder. The Green Lady became the Green Curse, and when absinthe was outlawed in much of the Western world, the reputation of absinthe as a powerful hallucinogenic grew along with popular curiosity about the psychoactive ingredients in the drink.


Absinthe is an anise-flavored spirit that is as high in alcoholic content as it is in it's mysterious background. Derived from herbs, including leaves of the herb wormwood, this liquor is distinguished by it's often natural green color. Originating in Switzerland, this alcoholic drink gained immense popularity amongst French artists and writers at the turn of the 19th century. Coined "the Green Fairy", Absinthe was seen as a highly addicive drug because of the small amounts of thujone that were present in the drink. It was eventually targeted by governments across the world and saw banishment from the United States and much of Europe.


Though the history of wormwood-infused liquor extends back to the days of the Egyptian empire, the credit for what we now know as one of the most infamous beverages, absinthe, goes to a French doctor, Pierre Ordinaire. Dr. Ordinaire retreated from the French Revolution to settle in the small Swiss town of Couvet. While in Couvet, Dr. Ordinaire crafted a drinkable concoction using local herbs mixed with Artemisia absinthium, or wormwood, to produce an emerald green elixir rumored to cure everything from flatulence to anemia. Legend has it that Ordinaire passed down his absinthe recipe his deathbed. Five years later, Henri-Louis Pernod, father of the Pernod brand, opened his first absinthe distillery in Switzerland. In response to the popularity of Dr. Ordinaire’s wormwood potion, Pernod soon opened a larger distillery in Pontarlier, France, where absinthe would gain its international reputation as the drink of choice for artists, writers, and intellectuals. Information courtesy of

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